Thoughtfulness [Towel Hook Edition]

Sunday, January 26, 2014

I like reading friends' blogs for little life updates. One of the hardest parts about being away from people you love, in my opinion, is missing out on the little stories about their days. So this is a quick story about checking the mail on Saturday and my sweet mother in law.

We have W&B hooks on the back of our bathroom door on which to hang our towels. [Apartment renters, listen up -- it's the little things! It's not difficult to remove a crappy fixture and replace it with something cute.] When we have guests over, we have to hang their towel(s) in a closet by the bathroom. It's fine for one towel, but it's not really enough space for two.

When my MIL and FIL were in town recently, I remarked that I should buy two more hooks with an L and a G on them -- one for Lucy and one for Guest. (We don't bathe Lucy very often, but when we do, she said that she'd appreciate her own towel hook.) I'm not sure why I was surprised when an unexpected Anthropologie box showed up in the mail this weekend. Take a look:

So now that we have hooks for extra towels -- come visit! :)


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