Saturday marked 6 years of marriage for Wesley & me. I can't believe it's been that long! It hasn't always been easy, but it truly has been a journey that I'm happy to have taken with him.
If you're wondering why there's not a 2013 picture, that's because I really don't think we've taken a decent picture together this year. All of my pictures are of Lucy now! Hopefully we'll go out to a belated anniversary dinner soon and can get a good shot. That dinner will be courtesy of our kind parents, by the way, who both sent sweet greeting cards with restaurant gift cards inside. Thank you, parents!
We'll have to go out for a belated dinner because we had a couple from our church over for dinner on Saturday. Full disclosure: I kind of forgot it was going to be our anniversary when I invited them. But it was really fun, and we celebrated with six different kinds of cake! Friends + lots of cake = how could the evening not be wonderful?
I'm happy to be yours, Wesley Crouser. Here's to six more years!
Beautiful. And yummy! (the cake)
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