Don't Leave Me! Kari Edition.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I mentioned in my last post that all of my friends have moved away. Such is life in Louisville, KY when it comes to school. It's a transient community around these parts. We've been here for almost six years now (hard to believe!), and we'll be here for at least four more -- probably five. So it's safe to say that the friends we made in 2007 are finding their ways into their next stage of life. I suppose we are, too -- but we haven't moved away like they have. That stage of life will come later for us.

A dear friend is moving at the end of this month, and it's impossible to say how much I'm going to miss her. I've mentioned Kari before. She has truly changed my life in the short time we've been friends. She's authentic and kind, funny and stylish. She's sweet and she's loyal. She's definitely created a new world for me -- one that I didn't even know was missing until it arrived.

Kari's moving to Seattle at the end of this month to work for Amazon. I'm beyond excited for her, and I'm already planning a visit to that amazing city, but it's just impossible to say how much I'm going to miss her.

I could say more, lots more, but I wouldn't even know where to start. I love you, friend. I'm going to miss you!


Kari said...

Oh goodness. Way to make me cry! I love you dearly. I didn't know what was missing either. Skype dates are in our future and I love it. And you.

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